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Player's surname starts with  

Vladimir Kraus
The best rank ever (01.02.2003)48.
Complete archive of player's rank.
Veterans ranking53.
Club Absolut Desperation
Country Czech Republic
City Plzen
Birth year 1977
Mail address mail
Vladimir Kraus

Tournaments ordered by date (312 tournaments)
Date 6 Tournament Web Series City Pos. Points
03.08.2024CB Summer Challenge 2024 Ceske Budejovice TournamentsCeske Budejovice (CZE)7. (18)243
16.06.2024European Championships 2024 European ChampionshipsValmiera (LAT)89. (107)455
19.05.2024Czech Championships 2024 Czech ChampionshipsPlzen (CZE)13. (35)480
19.05.2024Czech Championships 2024 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransPlzen (CZE)9. (30)420
20.04.2024Czech Open 2024 Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
World Tour Super Series
World Tour
Prague (CZE)58. (163)532
13.04.2024Chebska Liga 2024 #4 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)2. (11)268
23.03.2024Trinec 2024 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)20. (43)412
16.03.2024Chebska Liga 2024 #3 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)3. (13)254
24.02.2024Turnov 2024 #2 Cesky PoharTurnov (CZE)22. (35)415
03.02.2024Turnov 2024 #1 Cesky PoharTurnov (CZE)22. (37)381
13.01.2024Ceske Budejovice 2024 Cesky PoharCeske Budejovice (CZE)18. (48)435
16.12.2023Olomouc 2023 Cesky PoharOlomouc (CZE)16. (55)439
25.11.2023Cheb 2023 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)19. (41)423
11.11.2023Litomysl 2023 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)15. (42)435
28.10.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #12 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)2. (13)273
14.10.2023Teplysovice 2023 #2 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)11. (46)467
23.09.2023Teplysovice 2023 #1 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)16. (41)414
17.09.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #10 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)2. (12)273
26.08.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #9 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)1. (13)316
22.07.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #7 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)2. (14)294
10.06.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #5 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)3. (18)308
28.05.2023Czech Championships 2023 Czech ChampionshipsLitomysl (CZE)19. (35)417
28.05.2023Czech Championships 2023 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransLitomysl (CZE)3. (25)489
13.05.2023Plzen 2023 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)20. (53)417
07.05.2023Chebska Liga 2023 #4 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)4. (16)248
22.04.2023Czech Open 2023 Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
World Tour Super Series
World Tour
Prague (CZE)62. (92)342
16.04.2023Budejce Cup 2023 Ceske Budejovice TournamentsCeske Budejovice (CZE)1. (9)322
01.04.2023Trinec 2023 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)14. (40)438
11.03.2023Turnov 2023 #2 Cesky PoharTurnov (CZE)8. (37)488
18.02.2023Turnov 2023 #1 Cesky PoharTurnov (CZE)16. (35)438
21.01.2023Plzen 2023 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)12. (48)456
10.12.2022Teplysovice 2022 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)19. (36)364
19.11.2022Cheb 2022 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)14. (44)438
29.10.2022Pribram 2022 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)23. (45)397
08.10.2022Kladno 2022 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)15. (45)440
03.09.2022Chebska Liga 2022 #8 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)3. (18)211 (264)
20.08.2022NRSL All Star Games 2022 Novorychnovska LigaNovy Rychnov (CZE)2. (8)234 (293)
19.08.2022BSE League 2022 #2 BSE LeagueNovy Rychnov (CZE)2. (7)231 (289)
06.08.2022Chebska Liga 2022 #6 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)2. (17)224 (280)
02.07.2022Chebska Liga 2022 #4 Chebska LigaCheb (CZE)3. (17)212 (264)
29.05.2022Czech Championships 2022 Czech ChampionshipsTurnov (CZE)10. (36)396 (495)
29.05.2022Czech Championships 2022 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransTurnov (CZE)10. (29)329 (411)
23.04.2022Czech Open 2022 Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
World Tour Super Series
World Tour
Prague (CZE)29. (77)367 (459)
26.02.2022Pelhrimov 2022 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)25. (46)276 (345)
05.02.2022Plzen 2022 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)12. (41)345 (432)
15.01.2022Plzen 2022 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)18. (42)322 (403)
11.12.2021Pelhrimov 2021 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)12. (32)344 (430)
20.11.2021Kladno 2021 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)18. (36)321 (401)
29.10.2021Litomysl 2021 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)15. (35)333 (416)
02.10.2021Struharov 2021 Cesky PoharStruharov (CZE)18. (42)322 (403)
05.09.2021Czech Championships 2021 Czech ChampionshipsPelhrimov (CZE)16. (36)278 (463)
05.09.2021Czech Championships 2021 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransPelhrimov (CZE)8. (20)227 (378)
28.08.2021NRSL All Star Games 2021 Novorychnovska LigaNovy Rychnov (CZE)4. (13)161 (269)
27.08.2021Novorychnovska Liga 2021 #6 Novorychnovska LigaNovy Rychnov (CZE)10. (13)57 (94)
29.02.2020Plzen 2020 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)25. (58)159 (398)
01.02.2020Cheb 2020 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)14. (61)179 (447)
11.01.2020Plzen 2020 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)19. (66)181 (453)
14.12.2019Teplysovice 2019 #2 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)20. (58)182 (455)
23.11.2019Kladno 2019 #2 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)24. (66)166 (414)
02.11.2019Praha 2019 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)31. (63)158 (395)
12.10.2019Pelhrimov 2019 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)20. (53)175 (437)
21.09.2019* Teplysovice 2019 #1 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)23. (57)158 (396)
24.08.2019NRSL All Star Games 2019 Novorychnovska LigaPelhrimov (CZE)3. (13)56 (280)
02.06.2019Czech Championships 2019 Czech ChampionshipsPlzen (CZE)25. (48)85 (426)
02.06.2019Czech Championships 2019 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransPlzen (CZE)16. (25)71 (353)
27.04.2019Czech Open 2019 Czech Open
World Tour Super Series
World Tour
Cesky Pohar
Plzen (CZE)33. (93)104 (518)
02.03.2019Cheb 2019 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)11. (53)105 (524)
12.01.2019Kladno 2019 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)24. (62)85 (427)
15.12.2018Praha 2018 #2 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)19. (68)98 (488)
24.11.2018Pelhrimov 2018 #2 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)21. (60)84 (421)
10.11.2018Pelhrimov 2018 #1 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)21. (56)84 (422)
13.10.2018Praha 2018 #1 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)28. (67)81 (403)
22.09.2018* Struharov 2018 Cesky PoharStruharov (CZE)31. (64)77 (383)
17.06.2018European Championships 2018 European ChampionshipsEskilstuna, Sodermanland (SWE)113. (128)0 (379)
15.06.2018European Championships 2018 Veterans European Championships VeteransEskilstuna, Sodermanland (SWE)24. (45)0 (510)
03.06.2018Czech Championships 2018 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Cheb (CZE)16. (49)0 (535)
03.06.2018Czech Championships 2018 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransCheb (CZE)7. (27)0 (428)
12.05.2018* Pribram 2018 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)20. (63)95 (474)
21.04.2018Czech Open 2018 World Tour Super Series
World Tour
Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
Prague (CZE)37. (103)0 (505)
24.03.2018Pelhrimov 2018 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)20. (58)0 (462)
24.02.2018Plzen 2018 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)23. (54)0 (427)
27.01.2018Plzen 2018 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)23. (56)0 (430)
16.12.2017Praha 2017 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)14. (60)0 (506)
14.10.2017Pelhrimov 2017/18 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)18. (55)0 (473)
23.09.2017Teplysovice 2017 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)22. (62)0 (466)
04.06.2017Czech Championships 2017 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Pribram (CZE)23. (47)0 (475)
04.06.2017Czech Championships 2017 Veterans Czech Championships VeteransPribram (CZE)7. (25)0 (447)
20.05.2017Milovice 2017 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)28. (56)0 (436)
22.04.2017Czech Open 2017 World Tour
World Tour Super Series
Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
Prague (CZE)67. (119)0 (434)
01.04.2017Pribram 2017 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)31. (64)0 (421)
18.02.2017Cheb 2017 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)27. (54)0 (405)
10.12.2016Praha 2016 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)16. (66)0 (523)
15.10.2016Plzen 2016 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)26. (51)0 (446)
24.09.2016Teplysovice 2016 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)22. (62)0 (462)
05.06.2016Czech Championships 2016 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Trinec (CZE)31. (47)0 (422)
14.05.2016Cheb 2016 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)26. (46)0 (370)
23.04.2016Czech Open 2016webWorld Tour Super Series
World Tour
Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)43. (123)0 (531)
02.04.2016Milovice 2016 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)18. (57)0 (481)
20.02.2016Kladno 2016 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)22. (55)0 (473)
12.12.2015Praha Satalice 2015 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)23. (66)0 (476)
24.10.2015Praha Vysocany 2015 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)27. (67)0 (440)
31.05.2015Czech Championships 2015 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Prague (CZE)22. (48)0 (498)
24.04.2015Czech Open 2015 Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
World Tour
World Tour Super Series
Prague (CZE)30. (115)0 (556)
10.04.2015Milovice 2015 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)21. (52)0 (474)
21.03.2015Pelhrimov 2015 Cesky PoharPelhrimov (CZE)27. (62)0 (428)
21.02.2015Kladno 2015 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)17. (62)0 (498)
13.12.2014Teplysovice 2014 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)21. (61)0 (482)
13.09.2014Praha 2014 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)28. (64)0 (455)
03.05.2014Rokycany 2014 Cesky PoharRokycany (CZE)13. (55)0 (525)
13.04.2014Czech Open 2014webCesky Pohar
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Czech Open
Letovice (CZE)58. (146)0 (551)
22.03.2014Milovice 2014 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)18. (64)0 (493)
01.03.2014Kladno 2014 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)18. (69)0 (507)
08.02.2014Plzen 2014 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)14. (60)0 (524)
14.12.2013Praha 2013 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)28. (68)0 (445)
16.11.2013Litomysl 2013 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)28. (62)0 (442)
28.09.2013Teplysovice 2013 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)37. (62)0 (382)
02.06.2013Czech Championships 2013 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Svitavy (CZE)24. (48)0 (507)
11.05.2013Jihlava 2013 Cesky PoharJihlava (CZE)29. (74)0 (450)
13.04.2013Czech Open 2013 World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)55. (114)0 (484)
30.03.2013Milovice 2013 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)31. (69)0 (432)
09.02.2013Kladno 2013 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)33. (59)0 (416)
08.12.2012Praha 2012 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)33. (66)0 (448)
22.09.2012Teplysovice 2012 Cesky PoharTeplysovice (CZE)17. (66)0 (517)
27.05.2012Czech Championships 2012 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Ceske Budejovice (CZE)28. (48)0 (457)
05.05.2012Jihlava 2012 Cesky PoharJihlava (CZE)14. (69)0 (519)
14.04.2012Czech Open 2012 World Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
Prague (CZE)49. (109)0 (519)
23.03.2012Milovice 2012 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)20. (60)0 (480)
10.03.2012Litomysl 2012 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)31. (63)0 (363)
11.02.2012Kladno 2012 Cesky PoharKladno (CZE)29. (79)0 (436)
14.01.2012Plzen 2012 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)13. (51)0 (518)
10.12.2011Praha 2011 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)21. (70)0 (468)
24.09.2011Kamenny Ujezdec 2011 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)27. (62)0 (410)
29.05.2011Czech Championships 2011 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Litomysl (CZE)12. (48)0 (577)
07.05.2011Plzen 2011 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)26. (74)0 (468)
16.04.2011Czech Open 2011 World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)34. (126)0 (573)
19.03.2011Milovice 2011 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)28. (79)0 (454)
26.02.2011Cheb 2011 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)31. (61)0 (364)
29.01.2011Pardubice 2011 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)12. (88)0 (544)
20.11.2010Ceske Budejovice 2010 Cesky PoharCeske Budejovice (CZE)15. (77)0 (523)
30.10.2010Svitavy 2010 Cesky PoharSvitavy (CZE)17. (77)0 (481)
11.09.2010Kamenny Ujezdec 2010 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)17. (69)0 (514)
23.05.2010Czech Championships 2010 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Plzen (CZE)14. (48)0 (538)
02.05.2010Czech Open 2010 Czech Open
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Cesky Pohar
World Tour
Liberec (CZE)34. (145)0 (606)
10.04.2010Milovice 2010 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)11. (63)0 (526)
13.03.2010Cheb 2010 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)19. (49)0 (442)
27.02.2010Plzen 2010 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)32. (66)0 (400)
30.01.2010Pardubice 2010 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)28. (70)0 (439)
12.12.2009Praha 2009/10 #2 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)32. (68)0 (402)
21.11.2009Litomysl 2009 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)7. (54)0 (545)
07.11.2009Praha 2009/10 #1 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)15. (77)0 (510)
18.09.2009Kamenny Ujezdec 2009 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)19. (67)0 (477)
07.06.2009Czech Championships 2009 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Prague (CZE)41. (48)0 (339)
23.05.2009Trinec 2009 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)15. (47)0 (488)
25.04.2009Czech Open 2009 World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)33. (114)0 (554)
04.04.2009Milovice 2009 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)32. (61)0 (392)
07.02.2009Praha 2008/09 #2 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)18. (82)0 (504)
24.01.2009Pardubice 2009 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)28. (77)0 (446)
13.12.2008Praha 2008/09 #1 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)18. (72)0 (507)
18.10.2008Ceske Budejovice 2008 Cesky PoharCeske Budejovice (CZE)22. (69)0 (466)
20.09.2008Kamenny Ujezdec 2008 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)29. (75)0 (466)
01.06.2008Czech Championships 2008 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Pribram (CZE)21. (48)0 (512)
17.05.2008Berlin Open 2008 DTEV Turnier
Berlin Open
World Tour
Berlin (GER)10. (35)0 (418)
10.05.2008Litomysl 2008 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)22. (61)0 (471)
26.04.2008Czech Open 2008webCesky Pohar
World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Czech Open
Plzen (CZE)44. (110)0 (493)
29.03.2008Milovice 2008 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)17. (71)0 (499)
23.02.2008Plzen 2008 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)30. (80)0 (449)
10.02.2008Swedish Championships 2008webWorld Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Swedish Tour
Swedish Championships
Swedish Masters
Goteborg (SWE)52. (172)0 (589)
26.01.2008Pardubice 2008 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)25. (82)0 (480)
15.12.2007Praha 2007 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)21. (74)0 (486)
08.12.2007Riga Cup 2007webLatvian Ranking Tournaments
Riga Cup
World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Riga (LAT)27. (121)0 (522)
24.11.2007Ceske Budejovice 2007 Cesky PoharCeske Budejovice (CZE)13. (67)0 (544)
03.11.2007Trinec 2007 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)25. (46)0 (460)
06.10.2007Svitavy 2007 Cesky PoharSvitavy (CZE)33. (81)0 (459)
08.09.2007Kamenny Ujezdec 2007 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)22. (83)0 (495)
27.05.2007Czech Championships 2007 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Trinec (CZE)40. (48)0 (394)
05.05.2007Czech Open 2007 Czech Open
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Cesky Pohar
Plzen (CZE)37. (117)0 (522)
21.04.2007Berlin Open 2007 World Tour
Berlin Open
DTEV Turnier
Berlin (GER)12. (60)0 (533)
14.04.2007Pribram 2007 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)14. (78)0 (535)
31.03.2007Milovice 2007 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)17. (76)0 (511)
03.03.2007Litomysl 2007 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)20. (71)0 (476)
10.02.2007Holice 2007 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)27. (70)0 (461)
13.01.2007Plzen 2007 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)16. (75)0 (503)
09.12.2006Praha 2006 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)12. (75)0 (570)
02.12.2006Riga Cup 2006 Latvian Ranking Tournaments
Riga Cup
World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Riga (LAT)40. (132)0 (495)
11.11.2006Ceske Budejovice 2006 Cesky PoharCeske Budejovice (CZE)30. (62)0 (429)
14.10.2006Pardubice 2006 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)18. (77)0 (493)
23.09.2006Svitavy 2006 Cesky PoharSvitavy (CZE)21. (73)0 (480)
16.09.2006Oresund Cup 2006 World Tour
Swedish Tour
Oresund Cup
Copenhagen (DEN)21. (53)0 (505)
09.09.2006Budejovicky Pohar 2006 Ceske Budejovice TournamentsCeske Budejovice (CZE)2. (13)0 (346)
22.07.2006Hrbacek Cup 2006 Hrbacek CupPlzen (CZE)7. (24)0 (334)
12.06.2006Czech Championships 2006 Czech Championships
Cesky Pohar
Plzen (CZE)17. (48)0 (534)
20.05.2006Pribram 2006 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)17. (60)0 (501)
22.04.2006Milovice 2006 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)13. (61)0 (547)
08.04.2006Czech Open 2006 World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)31. (117)0 (507)
18.03.2006Moscow Cup 2006 Moscow Cup/Moscow Open
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Moscow (RUS)35. (194)0 (519)
04.03.2006Litomysl 2006 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)12. (57)0 (546)
25.02.2006Oslo Open 2005/06 World Tour
World Tour Big Six Tournaments
Norway Open
Norwegian NBL
Oslo (NOR)8. (72)0 (633)
11.02.2006Plzen 2005/06 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)20. (58)0 (481)
29.01.2006Swedish Championships 2006 World Tour Big Six Tournaments
World Tour
Swedish Tour
Swedish Championships
Swedish Masters
Eskilstuna, Sodermanland (SWE)65. (175)0 (499)
14.01.2006Holice 2006 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)15. (71)0 (508)
26.11.2005Plzen 2005/06 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)26. (80)0 (468)
19.11.2005Skalica 2005 Slovak PoharSkalica (SVK)9. (67)0 (470)
05.11.2005Praha 2005 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)10. (86)0 (583)
15.10.2005Trinec 2005 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)10. (64)0 (564)
24.09.2005Kamenny Ujezdec 2005 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)19. (74)0 (493)
21.08.2005Plzenska Liga 2005 #6 Plzenska LigaPlzen (CZE)3. (7)0 (352)
20.08.2005Hrbacek Cup 2005 Hrbacek CupPlzen (CZE)3. (24)0 (417)
07.05.2005Czech Championships 2005 Czech Championships
Cesky Pohar
Prague (CZE)21. (48)0 (521)
23.04.2005Czech Open 2005 Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
Pribram (CZE)20. (89)0 (547)
02.04.2005Boston Challenge 2005 EuroLeague
North American Tour
Boston, MA (USA)4. (59)0 (474)
20.03.2005Budapest Open 2005 Hungarian LeagueBudapest (HUN)9. (41)0 (342)
19.03.2005Bratislava Open 2005 Slovak PoharBratislava (SVK)6. (51)0 (500)
12.03.2005Plzen 2005 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)17. (53)0 (489)
12.02.2005Brno 2005 Cesky PoharBrno (CZE)25. (63)0 (459)
03.02.2005Plzenska Liga 2005 #2 Plzenska LigaPlzen (CZE)2. (9)0 (442)
30.01.2005Swedish Championships 2005 Swedish Tour
Swedish Championships
Swedish Masters
Stockholm (SWE)52. (193)0 (536)
22.01.2005Litomysl 2005 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)20. (62)0 (472)
11.12.2004Praha 2004 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)18. (56)0 (493)
27.11.2004Holice 2004/05 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)24. (59)0 (453)
30.10.2004Trinec 2004/05 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)27. (61)0 (398)
30.10.2004Usti nad Labem 2004 Cesky PoharUsti nad Labem (CZE)32. (50)0 (404)
07.08.2004Budweiser Cup 2004 Ceske Budejovice TournamentsCeske Budejovice (CZE)5. (14)0 (186)
13.06.2004Czech Championships 2004 Czech Championships
Cesky Pohar
Litomysl (CZE)6. (48)0 (666)
29.05.2004Pribram 2004 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)14. (53)0 (504)
26.05.2004Zabka Tour #161 Zabka TourPrague (CZE)3. (18)0 (377)
01.05.2004Czech Open 2004 Czech Open
Cesky Pohar
Plzen (CZE)18. (126)0 (635)
03.04.2004Milovice 2004 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)25. (66)0 (436)
01.04.2004Boston Challenge 2004 North American TourBoston, MA (USA)11. (64)0 (169)
13.03.2004Trinec 2004 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)25. (58)0 (373)
01.03.2004Plzenska Liga 2004 #4 Plzenska LigaPlzen (CZE)2. (9)0 (411)
21.02.2004Cheb 2004 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)26. (59)0 (404)
31.01.2004Holice 2004 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)26. (65)0 (379)
13.12.2003Plzen 2003/04 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)15. (65)0 (500)
07.12.2003Riga Cup 2003 EuroLeague
Latvian Ranking Tournaments
Riga Cup
Riga (LAT)49. (124)0 (382)
22.11.2003Litomysl 2003 Cesky PoharLitomysl (CZE)20. (70)0 (422)
14.11.2003Oslo Open 2003 EuroLeague
Norwegian NBL
Norway Open
Oslo (NOR)34. (65)0 (408)
25.10.2003Helsinki Open 2003 Finnish Ranking Tournaments
Helsinki Open
Helsinki (FIN)29. (87)0 (477)
18.10.2003Usti nad Labem 2003 Cesky PoharUsti nad Labem (CZE)12. (61)0 (519)
20.09.2003Plzen 2003/04 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)33. (68)0 (405)
11.05.2003Czech Championships 2003 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Plzen (CZE)24. (40)0 (457)
01.04.2003Budapest Open 2003 Hungarian LeagueBudapest (HUN)3. (34)0 (485)
29.03.2003Milovice 2003 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)33. (63)0 (372)
01.03.2003Czech Open 2003 Cesky Pohar
Czech Open
Prague (CZE)23. (92)0 (525)
15.02.2003Plzen 2002/03 #3 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)16. (54)0 (496)
09.02.2003Swedish Championships 2003 Swedish Championships
Swedish Tour
Swedish Masters
Jonkoping, Smaland (SWE)57. (150)0 (401)
11.01.2003Holice 2003 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)8. (52)0 (607)
15.12.2002Oslo Open 2002 Norway Open
Swedish Tour
Norwegian NBL
Oslo (NOR)25. (77)0 (479)
07.12.2002Praha 2002/03 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)18. (66)0 (479)
23.11.2002Svitavy 2002 Cesky PoharSvitavy (CZE)16. (68)0 (477)
09.11.2002Plzen 2002/03 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)11. (61)0 (539)
19.10.2002Vastsveriges Stora Pris 2002 Swedish TourGoteborg (SWE)10. (31)0 (395)
12.10.2002Kamenny Ujezdec 2002 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)13. (64)0 (511)
09.06.2002Czech Championships 2002 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Pribram (CZE)12. (42)0 (569)
18.05.2002Pribram 2001/02 #2 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)21. (55)0 (423)
21.04.2002Oresund Cup 2002 Swedish Tour
Oresund Cup
Lund, Skane (SWE)14. (24)0 (388)
13.04.2002Milovice 2002 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)23. (56)0 (386)
16.03.2002Praha 2002 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)14. (63)0 (470)
16.02.2002Pribram 2001/02 #1 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)21. (49)0 (383)
20.01.2002Holice 2002 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)11. (51)0 (496)
15.12.2001Zehusice 2001 Cesky PoharZehusice (CZE)7. (49)0 (587)
24.11.2001Plzen 2001/02 #3 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)21. (47)0 (358)
03.11.2001Plzen 2001/02 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)21. (58)0 (393)
13.10.2001Kamenny Ujezdec 2001 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)16. (53)0 (401)
22.09.2001Plzen 2001/02 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)20. (49)0 (373)
06.05.2001Czech Championships 2001 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Turnov (CZE)6. (40)0 (563)
21.04.2001Pribram 2000/01 #2 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)14. (59)0 (426)
24.03.2001Trinec 2001 Cesky PoharTrinec (CZE)33. (50)0 (269)
03.03.2001Milovice 2001 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)11. (58)0 (477)
10.02.2001Pardubice 2001 Cesky PoharPardubice (CZE)21. (64)0 (381)
20.01.2001Holice 2001 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)25. (61)0 (351)
16.12.2000Plzen 2000/01 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)22. (57)0 (357)
25.11.2000Praha 2000/01 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)28. (74)0 (359)
11.11.2000Pribram 2000/01 #1 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)18. (63)0 (386)
14.10.2000Kamenny Ujezdec 2000/01 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)33. (53)0 (302)
23.09.2000Holice 2000 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)19. (72)0 (385)
18.06.2000Czech Championships 2000 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Cheb (CZE)19. (40)0 (402)
27.05.2000Pribram 2000 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)13. (66)0 (440)
06.05.2000Kamenny Ujezdec 2000 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)11. (58)0 (440)
15.04.2000Milovice 2000 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)12. (62)0 (445)
25.03.2000Praha 2000 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)27. (79)0 (324)
26.02.2000Usti nad Labem 2000 Cesky PoharUsti nad Labem (CZE)10. (66)0 (437)
05.02.2000Jicin 2000 Cesky PoharJicin (CZE)25. (70)0 (356)
15.01.2000Plzen 2000 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)8. (74)0 (437)
28.11.1999Czech Championships 1999 Cesky Pohar
Czech Championships
Holice (CZE)12. (40)0 (478)
23.10.1999Praha 1999 #2 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)27. (75)0 (341)
02.10.1999Plzen 1999 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)21. (62)0 (364)
11.09.1999Jicin 1999 Cesky PoharJicin (CZE)19. (57)0 (364)
19.06.1999Ostrava 1999 Cesky PoharOstrava (CZE)25. (58)0 (313)
15.05.1999Cheb 1999 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)37. (57)0 (268)
24.04.1999Zlin 1999 Cesky PoharZlin (CZE)17. (64)0 (380)
27.03.1999Milovice 1999 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)18. (71)0 (378)
06.03.1999Kamenny Ujezdec 1999 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)36. (69)0 (294)
13.02.1999Usti nad Labem 1999 Cesky PoharUsti nad Labem (CZE)23. (52)0 (324)
23.01.1999Praha 1999 #1 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)37. (91)0 (319)
28.11.1998Czech Championships 1998 Czech Championships
Cesky Pohar
Pribram (CZE)23. (40)0 (387)
07.11.1998Plzen 1998 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)26. (58)0 (304)
17.10.1998Praha 1998 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)20. (74)0 (359)
26.09.1998Jicin 1998 Cesky PoharJicin (CZE)27. (52)0 (298)
06.06.1998Brno 1998 Cesky PoharBrno (CZE)28. (56)0 (301)
25.04.1998Pribram 1998 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)35. (69)0 (283)
04.04.1998Milovice 1998 Cesky PoharMilovice (CZE)34. (65)0 (278)
07.03.1998Kamenny Ujezdec 1998 Cesky PoharKamenny Ujezdec (CZE)21. (65)0 (330)
14.02.1998Holice 1998 Cesky PoharHolice (CZE)29. (69)0 (317)
24.01.1998Cheb 1998 Cesky PoharCheb (CZE)23. (50)0 (313)
18.10.1997Praha 1997 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)27. (71)0 (332)
17.05.1997Pribram 1997 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)53. (75)0 (231)
15.03.1997Plzen 1997 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)45. (61)0 (237)
09.09.1995Praha 1995 Cesky PoharPrague (CZE)24. (50)0 (269)
17.06.1995Plzen 1995 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)27. (49)0 (260)
18.02.1995Plzen 1995 #1 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)47. (60)0 (16)
29.10.1994Plzen 1994 #2 Cesky PoharPlzen (CZE)42. (47)0 (8)
01.10.1994Pribram 1994 Cesky PoharPribram (CZE)39. (43)0 (8)

coloured tournaments are the players best results, which are counted in the ranking
(only tournaments from the last 6 years count, points are lowered by time coefficient)

Summary of player's team results
18.05.2024Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2024 Teams5. (14)
20.05.2023Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2023 Teams6. (12)
01.06.2019Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2019 Teams5. (17)
15.06.2018Czech Republic VeteransEuropean Championships 2018 Veteran Teams4. (10)
02.06.2018Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2018 Teams3. (17)
02.06.2017Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2017 Teams6. (19)
04.06.2016THC Stiga Svitavy 93Czech Championships 2016 Teams5. (13)
30.05.2015Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2015 Teams6. (18)
31.05.2014Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2014 Teams4. (12)
12.04.2014Absolut DesperationWorld Championships 2014 Clubs11. (31)
01.06.2013Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2013 Teams6. (19)
26.05.2012Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2012 Teams4. (15)
29.05.2011Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2011 Teams5. (17)
22.05.2010Absolut DesperationCzech Championships 2010 Teams2. (14)
01.05.2010Absolut DesperationWorld Championships 2010 Clubs13. (26)
06.06.2009Stiga Big Band PrahaCzech Championships 2009 Teams2. (16)
31.05.2008Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2008 Teams5. (17)
26.05.2007Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2007 Teams5. (16)
10.06.2006Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2006 Teams2. (18)
07.05.2005Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2005 Teams3. (19)
13.06.2004Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2004 Teams6. (16)
05.06.2004Absolut SpidersSlovak Championships 2004 Teams2. (8)
10.05.2003Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2003 Teams5. (18)
01.04.2003Czech RepublicBudapest Open 2003 National Teams1. (4)
08.06.2002Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2002 Teams3. (16)
01.04.2002Boys from SouthSwedish Championships 2002 Teams7. (13)
05.05.2001Absolut SpidersCzech Championships 2001 Teams3. (16)
17.06.2000Absolut Spiders IICzech Championships 2000 Teams7. (15)

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