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Berlin Open 2018
Date 14.04.2018
Series World Tour
DTEV Turnier
Berlin Open
City Berlin
Web -
Participants 31
Level 3
Value 4369

Final table
Pos. 5 Rank Change Player Club Nation Rank points
1.36.-Michal HvizdTHC Stiga-Game PribramCzech Republic683
2.68.-Michal KobrleTHC Stiga ElitesCzech Republic620
3.23.-Valts SmagarsJurmalas GHKLatvia568
4.161.-Linus RestelKaeltestarre 83Germany529
5.351.+43Micael BorghSchlicktown Arctic VeteranosSweden511
6.428.+43Elias KlimekTEHC Puck Off Bad DurkheimGermany494
7.220.-Valentin DietzeTEHC Black Forest WerewolvesGermany486
8.274.-Leon Haussknecht "Fast Hand"Satyrion BerlinGermany475
9.373.+15Frank Bruneske "Classic Brunske"Schlicktown Arctic VeteranosGermany463
10.273.-Magor PappBodicsek KlubHungary450
11.467.+37Rene Albers "Box Albers"VfP FrieslandGermany430
12.194.-Milos SevrTHC Stiga ElitesCzech Republic405
13.725.+73Christian Dunnink "Hermd"Kaeltestarre 83Germany384
14.266.-Thomas Haussknecht "Slow Hand"Satyrion BerlinGermany364
15.561.+33Thony Restel "Old Rooster"Kaeltestarre 83Germany349
16.966.+154Christian Aden "Cowboy"VfP FrieslandGermany339
17.332.-Ralph PommerenkeTEHC Black Forest WerewolvesGermany323
18.540.-Thomas CorneliusFrankfurt GothersChile300
19.786.+33Micael MyrenLagos Clube Hoquei de MesaSweden277
20.580.-Eike Rompa "Fury"Schlicktown Arctic VeteranosGermany258
21.906.+71Jonas FrankenTEHC Puck Off Bad DurkheimGermany245
22.601.-Ulrich HennemannKaeltestarre 83Germany242
23.549.-Hermann PetuchTEHC Black Forest WerewolvesGermany236
24.1074.+100Mathias KleinTEHC Black Forest WerewolvesGermany228
25.825.+35Frank RascheFeringer FeinmotorikerGermany220
26.1362.+182Annika GrippFeringer FeinmotorikerGermany210
27.867.+18Thorsten Niemann "Gumsta"VfP FrieslandGermany176
28.920.-Wolfgang AbshagenSatyrion BerlinGermany135
29.781.-Sven EdlerFeringer FeinmotorikerGermany83
30.862.-Mathias ScheelSatyrion BerlinGermany34
31.1799.-Gunnar GrippFeringer FeinmotorikerGermany1
ranking valid before the tournament and rank change caused by this tournament are stated
Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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