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Lagos Clube Hoquei de Mesa PRT
Club rank: 186.
City: Lagos
Contact person: Micael Myren
Mail address: mail
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (12)
Rank Points
833.Micael Myren696
1350.Ulf Soderberg232
1954.Olof Lotstrom96
2015.Christer Engstrom90
2390.Staffan Baaz59
2599.Bo Borjesson48
2866.Hasse Erinder37
2892.Peter Appelqvist36
3131.Sebastian Myren29
4655.Bernt Fjallman11
6172.Thomas Malm4
8446.Nils-Alve Olsson0

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (2)
Christian Palmgren
Esa Raisenen

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
26.02.2017Lagos Clube Hoquei de MesaLagos Team Challenge #11. (2)

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