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GHK Altona LAT
Club rank: 7.
City: Riga
Contact person: Kristaps Naglis
Mail address: mail
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (14)
Rank Points
23.Edgars Naglis3834
36.Kristaps Naglis3616
44.Jekabs Rekis3468
93.Alekss Skudritis2936
127.Henrijs Prokuratovs2717
159.Krisjanis Zemnickis2499
202.Arturs Zasurcevs2306
230.Niklavs Peteris Sviklis2199
334.Ricards Kalnins1869
372.Gustavs Keisters1792
416.Einars Guze1655
532.Reinis Stacevics1335
575.Emils Matiass Reinfelds1236
682.Roberts Aserins1021

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
21.04.2024GHK AltonaWorld Championships 2024 Clubs7. (26)

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