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Spjalerance FIN
Club rank: 20.
City: ???
Contact person: -
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (14)
Rank Points
41.Vesa Huotelin3487
66.Juho Rautio3099
114.Otto Pesala2784
196.Sami Hellstrom2317
207.Roni Nuttunen2284
438.Janne Vepsalainen1589
475.Pasi Honkanen1485
523.Ahti Lampi1372
607.Tatu Rajaniemi1174
775.Teemu Koskela829
846.Mika Myllykangas703
1166.Oskari Koskela349
1464.Vesa Koskela202
7234.William Lindberg2

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
21.04.2024SpjaleranceWorld Championships 2024 Clubs10. (26)
12.04.2014SpjaleranceWorld Championships 2014 Clubs4. (31)

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