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Christian United FIN
Club rank: 46.
City: Helsinki
Contact person: Kalle Mikkolainen
Mail address: mail
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (12)
Rank Points
71.Tomi Uimonen3099
274.Jussi Tapola2049
494.Pasi Haikonen1426
502.Emil Uimonen1417
1029.Alex Anttila434
1262.Riku Laaka280
1299.Kalle Mikkolainen256
1626.Leevi Lehtonen149
7101.Patrik Tiainen2
7569.Miikka Kareinen1
8328.Oskari Saarto0
8463.Max Hovi0

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (5)
Aleksi Aalto
Henri Ahtonen
Vili Lahti
Juha-Pekka Muhonen
Teemu Vepsalainen

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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