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Estonian Championships 2023/24 #6
Date 02.06.2024
Series Estonian Championships
City Tallinn
Web -
Participants 10
Level 4
Value 3309

Final table
Pos. 5 Rank Change Player Club Nation Rank points
1.80.+1Maria SaveljevaSK RauaEstonia557
2.78.-Darja HrustaljovaSK RauaEstonia523
3.53.-Timur MihhaljovSK RauaEstonia489
4.113.-Daniil LandaSK RauaEstonia455
5.72.-Igor SaveljevSK RauaEstonia407
6.208.-Vafa HamdamovSK RauaEstonia365
7.202.-Daniel SippoSK RauaEstonia307
8.487.-Jukkis Hellevuo-Finland206
9.792.+3Sergei SokolovSK RauaEstonia126
10.775.-Igor Zamiatin-Israel1
ranking valid before the tournament and rank change caused by this tournament are stated
Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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