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Japan (JPN) JPN
National team rank -
Ladies national team rank -
Junior national team rank -
Veteran national team rank -
no national web page available

Tournaments played during last month

no tournaments were found

Tournaments scheduled on next month

no tournaments were found

The best players
-Hideyuki Ansai
-Yuzuru Aragaki
-Yoshimi Arai
-Hiroshi Chisaka
-Kayo Chisaka

  The best juniors

no juniors were found in the ranking

The best ladies

  The best veterans

The best clubs

no clubs were found in the ranking

Series of tournaments (10)
Japan Open
Japan THL
Japan THL Cup
Japanese Championships
Moriya League
Nagano League
Nerima League
Tokyo Open
Wakamatu Cup

Summary of national team results
30.04.1995JapanWorld Championships 1995 Teams13. (15)
28.11.1993JapanWorld Championships 1993 Teams12. (15)
28.11.1993Japan IIWorld Championships 1993 Teams13. (15)
23.04.1989JapanWorld Championships 1989 Teams12. (12)

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