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BHK Lokomotiv Hjorring DEN
Club rank: 257.
City: Hjorring
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (5)
Rank Points
1249.Mike Dahl282
2425.Karen Schmidt56
3933.Lisa Poulsen17
4073.Christina Andersen16
7047.Freya Poulsen2

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (8)
Maria Bjerg
Birthe Christensen
Walid Hassan
Virginia Larsen
Kristina Munk
Ahmed Nazmul
Sofie Sundbro
Steen Sundbro

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
12.10.2019BHK Lokomotiv HjorringDanish Championships 2019 Doubles8. (8)
20.06.2015BHK Lokomotiv HjorringDanish Championships 2015 Doubles5. (6)
28.01.2014BHK Lokomotiv HjorringDanish Championships 2014 Doubles5. (5)
22.06.2013BHK Lokomotiv HjorringDanish Championships 2013 Doubles7. (7)
23.06.2012BHK Lokomotiv HjorringDanish Championships 2012 Teams5. (5)

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