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Orel Obrany CZE
Club rank: 125.
City: Brno
Contact person: Martin Moravec
Mail address: mail
club web page

Players ranked at the ranking (10)
Rank Points
745.Michael Moravec871
788.Martin Moravec788
982.Vit Pernica491
997.Milan Zeman473
1591.Vera Stanzelova154
2253.Jaroslav Hronek ml.67
2388.Pavel Ondrusek58
2791.Klaudie Ondruskova40
3594.Samuel David Newman21
7510.Jaroslav Hronek st.1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (4)
Jan Cinis
Vojtech Pivko
Adam Tichy
Adam Zborovsky

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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