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Chicago THL USA
Club rank: 416.
City: Chicago, IL
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (1)
Rank Points
7631.Frank Totosz1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (22)
Roger Connolly
Barry Daniels
Mike DiGangi
Rick Gawron
Jim Gove
Ken Harris
Hank Janson
Simon Jurinek
Nick Kofski
Dave Kozak
John LaVelle
Jerry March
Rob Marshall
Dave McLaughlin
Scott McLaughlin
Ron Palmblad
Dave Rafferty
Mike Reilly
Bill Rzonca
Dennis Schaade
Gregg Vintartas
Jack Vintartas

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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