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Graubunden SUI
Club rank: 137.
City: ?, Graubunden
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (4)
Rank Points
301.David Hasler1963
1353.Felix Bernath227
1756.Heinz Bernath122
7023.Lukas Mueller2

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (8)
Anders Floden
Simon Hasler
Andreas Lotscher
Hans Peter Lotscher
Beat Nett
Linus Persson
Adrian Pleisch
Roger Putzi

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
27.04.2014GraubundenSwiss Championships 2014 Teams2. (3)
25.04.2009GraubundenSwiss Championships 2009 Teams1. (5)

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