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Zurich SUI
Club rank: 177.
City: Zurich
Contact person: -
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (8)
Rank Points
808.Roger Cavalli758
1196.Etienne Flore327
1502.Rico Wenk187
1888.Erwin Zgraggen105
2466.Alain Saxer54
4094.Leandro Cavalli16
7469.Vladimir Korenev1
7664.Markus Rempfler1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (19)
Urs Angst
John Appenzeller
Diego Cavalli
Rolf Cavalli
Rolf Frieden
David Ganster
Laurence Giger
Linda Jelic
Daniel Kolb
Beat Mordasini
Ueli Muller
Marvin Nyffenegger
Philipp Nyffenegger
Thomas Oswald
Manuel Pasi
Martina Raymann
Noel Roth
Rolf Rude
Felix Sutton

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
25.04.2009ZurichSwiss Championships 2009 Teams4. (5)

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