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Lokomotiv Falun SWE
Club rank: 85.
City: Falun, Dalarna
Contact person: Nicklas Nilsson
Mail address: mail
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (11)
Rank Points
240.Mikael Wiberg2158
333.Nicklas Nilsson1870
895.Fredrik Timeus636
969.Henrik Kransholm526
1097.Thomas Wikstrom407
1213.Anna-Maria Wiberg319
3039.Theo Kransholm33
4959.Sam Kransholm9
6606.Leonard Timeus3
6767.Jonas Hagborg3
8562.Henry Timeus0

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (2)
Josef Disby
Niklas Nygards

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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