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Borlange Bordshockey SWE
Club rank: 277.
City: Borlange, Dalarna
Contact person: Magnus Olander
Mail address: mail
club web page

Players ranked at the ranking (4)
Rank Points
1779.Magnus Olander119
2195.Agne Bergmark73
2236.Jonas Willman69
8463.Richard Hedgards0

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (19)
John Backlund
Fredrik Bonde
Andreas Cromnow
Henrik Eklof
Niklas Forsgren
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Fredrik Hoel
Hans-Goran Johansson
Tim Keckman
Sampo Kristofersson
William Larsson
Martin Lenander
Tommy Lundin
Daniel Nyman
Mikael Olofsson
Erik Perjos
Stefan Sjoberg
Oscar Sjostrom
Ulf Timber

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
13.05.2018Team NarkeslattenSwedish Championships 2018 Teams8. (13)
15.05.2016Borlange Bordshockey / Goteborgs HSSSwedish Championships 2016 Teams3. (11)
15.05.2016Borlange Bordshockey IISwedish Championships 2016 Teams6. (11)
15.05.2016Borlange Bordshockey IIISwedish Championships 2016 Teams11. (11)
03.05.2015Borlange BordshockeySwedish Championships 2015 Teams11. (15)

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