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Club rank: 122.
City: St. Petersburg
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (9)
Rank Points
406.Vadim Matveev1693
979.Artur Danilov514
1210.Juriy Pochatov320
1525.Alexey Fursenko183
1842.Timofey Kudrjavtsev114
1963.Alexey Presnjak98
3146.Mikhail Starostin30
4345.Ilja Panchishin13
8200.Andrey Dobrjanov1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (5)
Yuriy Antipenkov
Mikhail Burjy
Dmitriy Glukhachov
Roman Glukhachov
Evgeniy Makeev

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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