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Novosibirsk RUS
Club rank: 69.
City: Novosibirsk
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (18)
Rank Points
463.Konstantin Kirilin1517
478.Egor Stepanov1463
489.Dmitry Krasyuk1431
497.Konstantin Orlov1421
564.Gennadiy Shurupov1257
571.Konstantin Avdeev1245
1087.Anatoliy Voronin395
1351.Dmitriy Glafirov232
1512.Igor Bereginskiy179
1602.Dima Dvoianov153
1954.Dmitry Lyudvin97
2065.Sergey Davydkin86
6233.Dmitrii Loskutnikov4
7600.Andrew Korotchenko1
8156.Evgeniy Parakhnevich1
8238.Boris Kolesov1
8380.Stanislav Pletnev0
8529.Ivan Terentev0

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (19)
Sergey Chaban
Arthur Dzyuba
Viktor Ermakov
Roman Fedosov
Pavel Goryunov
Ivan Groshev
Anton Ilin
Vladimir Ilin
Vadim Korabelnikov
Oleg Korolkov
Nikolay Malitsky
Anatoly Popov
Leonid Popov
Nikolay Shishigin
Lev Shvets
Nikolay Tyumentsev
Anatoliy Vedenetskiy
Andrei Voronov
Ilya Yudin

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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