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Westpoint Vampires NOR
Club rank: 230.
City: Gran
Contact person: Olav Haugan
Mail address: mail
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (1)
Rank Points
916.Peder Mortvedt "The Rock"576

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (12)
Borre Bakken "Fat Joe"
Martin Bendheim
Henrik C. Buer "Henke L"
Karl Ottar Forberg "Crazy Kakk"
Olav Haugan "The Kidd"
Stian Kallekleiv
Sigurd Mortvedt
Erik Solbakken
Hans Gudmund Thoresen

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
07.04.2013Westpoint VampiresNorwegian Championships 2013 Teams10. (15)
07.04.2013Westpoint Vampires IINorwegian Championships 2013 Teams15. (15)
23.09.2007Westpoint VampiresWorld Championships 2007 Clubs19. (20)
05.02.2005Westpoint VampiresNorwegian Championships 2005 Teams5. (18)
01.04.2002Westpoint VampiresNorwegian Championships 2002 Teams14. (17)

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