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Gujarat IND
Club rank: 291.
City: ???
Contact person: -
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (14)
Rank Points
2314.Prachil Agarwal63
2402.Jeet Chechani59
2456.Megh Gehlot56
2504.Daksh Chawla53
2527.Viranshu Sanghvi52
2540.Mohammed Umair Khan51
2848.Mohit Nahata39
2883.Saumil Kokate37
3290.Tanish Gothi27
3628.Manav Manvar21
3681.Varun Purohit21
3912.Harshil Shah18
4328.Jwellin Patel13
5434.Jin Shah7

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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