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Chandigarh IND
Club rank: 287.
City: ???
Contact person: -
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (15)
Rank Points
2232.Akshit Bartwal69
2243. Yuval68
2492. Ronit54
2512.Shivanand Pandey52
2736.Amber Kumar43
2974.Shubham Goyal34
3126. Arush30
3199.Tanishq Bisaiya29
3316.Rajat Kumar26
3384.Chandan Singh25
4119. Krishna15
4248.Atharv Tyagi14
5040.Aniket Sahu9
6679.Anand Kumar3
6963.Aastik Chaudhary2

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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