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Northwest Chicago THL USA
Club rank: 164.
City: Chicago, IL
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (8)
Rank Points
507.Paul Gasiecki1399
1280.Matt Woodall270
2863.Mark Klimek37
3399.Mike Klimek24
3729.Don Klimek19
4197.Dylan Pacion15
4326.John Pacion13
7983.Chris Evans1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (18)
Brittany Avery
Reid Bateman
Mike Bell
Tom Evans
Allen Fefferman
Justin Gruby
Alex Liulka
Joe Malleck
Connor Masi
Connor Masi
Jake Rader
Austin Smith
Austin Smith
Kylan Springman
Jared Tyndorf
Seth Tyndorf
Bill Weidner
Ben Youman

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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