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Mumbai IND
Club rank: 284.
City: ???
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (13)
Rank Points
2276.Samihan Kharchane66
2325.Pardeep Prasad63
2387.Shreyas Shinde60
2435.Om Deshmukh57
2441.Abhishek Chauhan56
2553.Krishna Lokhande50
2587.Tanish Kasar49
2751.Rishabh Kale43
2900.Yash Patil37
3540.Sohan Baheti22
3953. Nitin17
4597.Ved Pawar11
7553.Samarth Sawant1

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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