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Uttar Pradesh IND
Club rank: 297.
City: ???
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no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (12)
Rank Points
2238. Vintoo69
2621.Anudesh Chaurasiya48
2720.Shubham Bhatiya44
2917.Divyansh Shahu36
3000.Tanmay Kishor Lohiya34
3070.Mridul Mishra32
3579.Anmol Ratan Misra22
3741.Utkarsh Singh20
3785.Lav Kushawaha19
4074.Ankit Singh16
4178.Rajveer Malhotra15
5961.Utkarsh Singh5

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking
no players were found

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

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