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Nizhny Novgorod Cup RUS

1.332Sergey Shikerin
2.311Alexey Korotkiy
3.112Ivan Shemjakov
4.110Dmitriy Bochkarev
5.101Sergey Kovankin
6.100Alexandr Shikerin
7.012Pavel Syzrantsev
8.011Sergey Kalinkin
9.010Dmitriy Hintibidze
10.010Semen Ivanov
11.001Roman Aganichev

Scheduled tournaments belonging to the selected series
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Past tournaments belonging to the selected series (10 tournaments)
11.11.2023Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2023 Nizhny NovgorodSergey Shikerin16
21.05.2022* Nizhny Novgorod - Zenit Cup 2022 Nizhny NovgorodSergey Shikerin12
20.03.2021Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2021 Nizhny NovgorodIvan Shemjakov27
28.07.2019Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2019 Nizhny NovgorodSergey Shikerin8
04.03.2018Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2018 Nizhny NovgorodAlexey Korotkiy16
12.03.2017Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2017 Nizhny NovgorodAlexey Korotkiy27
06.03.2016Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2016 Nizhny NovgorodDmitriy Bochkarev22
22.02.2015Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2015 Nizhny NovgorodSergey Kovankin14
09.02.2014Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2014 Nizhny NovgorodAlexey Korotkiy9
05.11.2012Nizhny Novgorod Cup 2012 Nizhny NovgorodAlexandr Shikerin15

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